CHC43315 – Certificate IV Mental Health

  • Course Details – Canberra Campus (49 Phillip Avenue, Watson ACT )
  • Course Start Date: – Closed for enrolments in ACT
  • Tuition Fees Skilled Capital * - $500.00

    Disclaimer: Skilled Capital tuition fees are non-refundable

  • Course Provider – Key 2 Learning College (RTO 88191, CRICOS 03644F)
  • Course Delivery; Blended (Online, Face-to-Face & Self Study)
  • Study – approx. 20 hours per week including lectures, tutorials & self study
  • Course Units – 15
  • Course Duration – 52 weeks

Canberra Campus: Blended Delivery

The CHC43115 Certificate IV in Mental Health will be conducted over 52 weeks. The units included in this are:

Unit Code

Unit Title

Unit type Core (C) or Elective (E)


Provide recovery oriented mental health services



Work effectively in trauma informed care



Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety



Participate in workplace health and safety



Work legally and ethically



Establish self-directed recovery relationships



Work with diverse people



Work collaboratively with the care network and other services



Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues



Promote and facilitate self-advocacy



Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing



Recognise and respond to crisis situations



Provide loss and grief support



Reflect on and improve own professional practice



Provide brief interventions


  • #80 hours of work placement is required to complete the qualification

There are no entry requirements to study this course.

This qualification reflects the role of workers who provide self-directed recovery oriented support for people affected by mental illness and psychiatric disability. Work involves implementing community based programs and activities focusing on mental health, mental illness and psychiatric disability. Work is undertaken in a range of community contexts such as community based non-government organisations; home based outreach; centre-based programs; respite care; residential services, rehabilitation programs; clinical settings; or supporting people in employment. Work is carried out autonomously under the broad guidance of other practitioners and professionals.

To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 80 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency..

Students who successfully obtain the CHC43315 Cert Iv Mental Health are eligible to gain employment in the following areas:

  • Community Rehabilitation Worker
  • Community Rehabilitation and Support Worker
  • Outreach Officer
  • Mental Health Outreach Worker
  • Assistant Community Services Worker

These are just some of the endless career opportunities presented by this course!

Key 2 Learning College (RTO 88191, CRICOS 03644F) has strong connections to hospitals, aged care providers and the community sector.

Key 2 Learning College employs trainers and assessors with significant industry experience.

Students at Key 2 Learning College have high graduation and employment rates.

This makes Key 2 Learning College the provider of choice for Health and Community Services courses

For more information on this course or any other queries, please contact:

Domestic Students